Will the Paris 2024 Games be carbon free?

As stated by ADEME since 2022, the notion of "carbon neutrality" - i.e., emitting no more emissions than the planet or a territory can absorb - can only be applied on a global or territorial scale.

To contribute to carbon neutrality, all organizations must participate in the reduction effort, and can support projects to combat climate change.

On its own scale, Paris 2024 has set itself the target of cutting event-related CO2 emissions in half, by taking action in all areas of the organization. For those emissions that cannot be avoided, the Organizing Committee has chosen to finance projects that will help combat global warming while providing co-benefits for local populations and biodiversity.

These include reforestation, forest preservation and renewable energy development projects.

In line with ADEME's recommendation on climate-related communications, Paris 2024 no longer uses the expression "carbon-neutral" Games, without lowering its ambitions in this area.

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