What are the criteria for the projects selection?

For nationally and regionally impactful projects:

  • Criterion 1: Relevance and social utility of the project

  • Criterion 2: Identification of the target audience(s)

  • Criterion 3: Added value for the mandated organization and local stakeholders

  • Criterion 4: Quality of the action plan

  • Criterion 5: Innovative nature and potential dissemination of the project

  • Criterion 6: Quality and credibility of the mandated organization and consortium

  • Criterion 7: Quality of the economic model and sustainability of the project

  • Criterion 8: Maturity of the project's impact measurement

For locally impactful projects:

  • Criterion 1: Relevance and social utility of the project

  • Criterion 2: Identification of the target audience(s)

  • Criterion 3: Added value for the mandated organization and local stakeholders

  • Criterion 4: Resource pooling

  • Criterion 5: Quality of the mandated organization

  • Criterion 6: Credibility of the budget

  • Criterion 7: Equality

  • Criterion 8: Support for ecological transition

  • Criterion 9: Operational and coherent nature of the presented project

In all presented projects, actions must ensure equality among individuals, particularly between women and men.

The project should also provide guarantees related to combating all forms of discrimination.

Additionally, the project should support ecological transition efforts by minimizing its impact on the environment or encouraging such initiatives.


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