Is my project eligible?

In order for a project to be eligible, it must:

  • Be driven by one or more actors from civil society with a general interest: associations, participants in sports movements, and local authorities

  • Demonstrate a general interest character

  • Utilize physical and sports activities as tools for social impact and align with one of the following themes: health, well-being, education, citizenship, inclusion, solidarity, equality, and sustainable development

  • Commence during the year 2024

  • Have the potential for replication or dissemination

  • Take place within the French territory (Mainland France, Overseas Departments and Territories)

  • Not be supported by other funding from ANS, CNOSF, CPSF, or the Paris 2024 Endowment Fund

  • Be led by an organization with more than one year of legal existence

We invite you to assess your eligibility for project calls before submitting your application:


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