What happens once the labeling is obtained? What will Paris 2024 offer the Terre de Jeux 2024 labelled entities?

For the first time in the history of the Games:

  • Participate in the Paris 2024 and Terre de Jeux 2024 programmes

  • Benefit from an exclusive visual identity and communication tools to associate with the Games, starting in 2019

  • Take advantage of the spotlight of the Games to promote their territory

  • Have privileged access to information, tools, and events of the Games

  • Join the Terre de Jeux 2024 community and share best practices and advice with other labelled entities

Labelled entities will be able to stay informed about the programmes they have committed to support and alert Paris 2024 teams if they encounter difficulties in meeting their candidacy commitments.

It should be noted that Paris 2024 reserves the right to suspend the use of the programme in case of misuse or if fraudulent use is reported.

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