What does Paris 2024 have to offer structures awarded the Génération 2024 programme?

Being labelled "Génération 2024" means committing to bringing more sports into the daily lives of young people and enabling as many as possible to experience the Olympic and Paralympic adventure.

The Generation 2024 programme provides:

  • Access to exclusive content (educational resources, calls for projects, challenges, etc.)

  • Recognition of the commitment and work of educational teams with an exclusive visual identity and communication tools

  • Benefits from the territorial dynamics driven by the Games, especially through the local authorities that have been awarded the Terre de Jeux 2024 label

  • Privileged access to information, tools, and events related to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

  • Integration into the Génération 2024 community to share best practices and advice with other label holders

  • Receipt of the label holder's kit to proudly wear the colours of the label

For more information, please visit:



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