Following the award of the Terre de Jeux 2024 programme, does the local authority have the right to use the Paris 2024 emblem?

The Paris 2024 brand is protected and is for the exclusive use of the Organising Committee, host territories, and commercial partners.

All those labelled will be able to use the Terre de Jeux 2024 programme and thus bring the project to life locally.

The use of this programme is subject to a usage guide which defines the conditions of use, such as the impossibility of coexisting this label with a non-partner commercial brand of Paris 2024.

The typography Paris 2024 is protected by the IOC and cannot be used by Terre de Jeux 2024 programme holders.

Its use is reserved exclusively for Paris 2024. However, you have the option to use the fonts Source Sans Pro and/or Arial.

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